Tuesday, October 13, 2015


Cause Célèbre or Passing Outrage du Jour?
Jay Branscomb, meme-maker and Internet funny guy who once won the Webs with his Spielberg Triceratops gag, is on 30-day suspension for chiding a visitor to his page for misusing the word “bare”.
Troll was displeased. He rebuked Branscomb with harsh language and then reported him for violating an unspecified “community standard”. It is not known whether human eyes ever read the complaint but Jay is well known in the gun rights community for his memes and for frustrating ammotrolls who seek their special brand of “dialogue” on his page.
This was facebook’s judgement:
Now he is in Zuckerburgatorty for 30 days:

Please share. If you do not, the NRA wins.
Like all Internet martyrs, Jay is trying to raise money off of this. Unlike, however, Kim Davis or the Hate-the-Gays pizzeria, his needs are genuine and he wants to create new platforms for his message that are less dependent of the whims of mysterious and malleable algorithms. Here’s his GoFundMe page:

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Monday, July 19, 2010


The standout song from Gold Diggers of 1933 with Busby Berkeley in full creative flower.

The most evocative voice is that of Etta Moten who was not merely the original "Bess" in Porgy and Bess, she was Gershwin's inspiration for creating the character in the first place.

The theme, of course, is so appropriate for our era, too.

Working Hard Working Americans

One of the most vexing problems for a would-be 21st Century Progressive Coalition is the reluctance of White, less-educated (H.S. diploma or less), Christian (mostly Evangelical and Roman Catholic) who tend to dwell in rural, small-town, or exurban areas. Many are prone to accept Acts of Capitalism in the same manner they accept Acts of God--painful but beyond the purview of mere mortals to control.

Another factor contributing to their reluctance to coalesce with progressives is the perception that liberals are elitist snobs who hold them in disdain. When criticism of religious bigotry becomes a blanket denuciation of all relgion, it becomes itself a form of religious bigotry that can make a potential ally feel unwelcome. The same can be said of use of terms like "redneck", "cracker", "hillbilly", or "trailer trash" to name but a few. If a sufficient number of people are offended by such terms, it is important not to give unnecessary offense by being perceived as disrespectful and insensitive. For that reason, I will henceforth, and with great reluctance, give up the use of all forms of "teabag", at least in public discourse.

Russ Douthat is one of those rare reasonable conservatives. He argues that working class Whites belong in the Republican coalition. I disagree with his conclusions but his analysis of the facts is worth our consideration.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Talented Guy Seeks Complement

Aging Boomer (Stageworthy), endowed
with 1st Class Voice, Flair for political commentary/humor/graphic design, English as a Second Language, occasional poet, pretty good writer, and the best damn Santa Claus ever.

Would like to expand my skill set to be able to capture video from cable TV and remix for my creative purposes. We could start with YouTube uploads but—who knows where it could go from there?

If you have a strong technical skillset and share similar interests and objectives, please shoot me an email. Even if not, please pass this along as you see fit.

• Do you represent a political campaign or a cause to which I am sympathetic? (Check the links and you’ll see I’m on the side of the angels.) I will consider donating my voiceover services for the purpose of growing my portfolio and reputation.

• Or, are you interested in using my art as posters, t-shirts, bumperstickers, etc.? If you can handle manufacture, distribution, and other business elements, I can do creative and marketing.

. . . and thank you again for your support.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Mr. Lincoln sez:

Public sentiment is everything. With public sentiment nothing can fail. Without it nothing can succeed. He who molds opinion is greater than he who enacts laws. • Abraham Lincoln